Radio Natural auf ORANGE 94.0: Thema Lobauautobahn
Metadata, Content, Statistics and feedback Station: ORANGE 94.0 RSS
Station:ORANGE 94.0
Series:Radio Natural
Title:Radio Natural auf ORANGE 94.0: Thema Lobauautobahn
Abstract:Der ASFINAG-Projektleiter für die so gen. S1 und damit auch für die Lobauatobahn Thomas Steiner und Greenpeace-Verkehrsexperte Erwin Mayer diskutieren. (gekürzt: Musik entfernt)
Keywords:Verkehr Umwelt Widerstand Lobau Hainburg lbzgerk
Temporal coverage:2006-12-06
Spatial coverage:lobau
Production date:2006-12-06
Broadcast date:2006-12-06 10:00:00+01
Entry date:2006-12-06
Last modification:2006-12-06

Audio files:
Programme audio 128 kbps mp3 46:55 Download Listen
Programme audio 64 kbps ogg 46:55 Download Listen

Statistics and feedback

Data presented here was last updated at: 2010-04-25 15:46:17+02

visits (unique) listens (unique) downloads (unique) Rating (count)
Node network 2018 (645) 647 (150) 68 (48) -

You may contact the node administrator at: Andras Micsik