Station: | ORANGE 94.0 |
Series: | Globale Dialoge - Women on Air |
Title: | Sharing Life |
Alternative title: | The Catholic Women's Movement in Austria and its work on the Philippines |
Language: | German, English |
Abstract: | “Aktion Familienfasttag” of “Katholische Frauenbewegung Österreich” (Catholic Women´s Movement Austria - KFO) dedicates for the developmental activites, specially for women in south. February this year project partners of this organisation has visited Austria, to describe their work in Philippines, where apart from livelihood projects, a project of resettlement of former migrant women workers is one of the important assignment taken up by partner organisation of KFO. Project-coordinator Aurora Alejo Alipao and her colleagues spoke with Women on Air about their life situation and socio-political problems faced by the women of Philippines.
Gestaltung der Sendung: Sarita Jenamani |
Keywords: | Katholische Frauenbewegung Österreich, Philippinen, Aktion Familienfasttag |
Production date: | 2007-04-24 |
Broadcast date: | 2007-04-24 13:00:00+02 |
Entry date: | 2007-08-28 |
Last modification: | 2007-08-29 |
Data presented here was last updated at: 2010-04-20 08:47:52+02
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