Station: | gecko-art |
Series: | gecko-art-Projekte im Nationalparkhaus LobAU |
Title: | Fragen, Grüße & Goodbye |
Alternative title: | Ansprache des Forstdirektors und Verabschiedung |
Episode title: | Neighbour Days im Nationalparkhaus, 10.10.07 |
Language: | German, Czech |
Abstract: | Forstdirektor Andreas Januskovecz stellte sich vor, erzählte vom Aufgabenbereich der Forstverwaltung und ermutigte die SchülerInnen, ihre Meinungen und Eindrücke zu Papier zu bringen. The director of the Forstverwaltung indroduced himself, gave a report of the tasks of his department and encouraged the students to
put their opinions and impressions down on paper. |
Keywords: | Auwald, Umwelterziehung |
Genre: | Documentary |
Topics: |
Environmental Issues, Agriculture and related technologies / Bio diversity
Human Practices and Social Issues / Community Issues (Housing, Transportation, Area planning, Urban communities, Rural communities)
Human Practices and Social Issues / Young people
Production date: | 2007-10-10 |
Entry date: | 2007-10-13 |
Last modification: | 2007-10-13 |
Data presented here was last updated at: 2010-04-26 06:45:57+02
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