Station: | gecko-art |
Series: | gecko-art-Projekte im Nationalparkhaus LobAU |
Title: | Von lauten und leisen Tieren ... |
Alternative title: | Führung durch die Austellung und Interviews |
Episode title: | Neighbour Days im Nationalparkhaus, 11.10.07 |
Language: | German, Slovak, English |
Abstract: | Die Bratislaver und Wiener SchülerInnen hatten die Möglichkeit, Tierlaute wiederzuerkennen und an "sprechenden Au-Bäumen" zu lauschen. Anschließend gaben sie kurze Interviews zu ihren Erfahrungen. The students from Bratislava and Vienna had the chance to recognize calls of animals and to listen at "talking trees of the riparian forest". Then they gave some interviews about their experiences. |
Keywords: | Auwald, Umwelterziehung |
Genre: | Documentary |
Topics: |
Environmental Issues, Agriculture and related technologies / Bio diversity
Human Practices and Social Issues / Community Issues (Housing, Transportation, Area planning, Urban communities, Rural communities)
Human Practices and Social Issues / Young people
Production date: | 2007-10-11 |
Entry date: | 2007-10-13 |
Last modification: | 2007-10-13 |
Data presented here was last updated at: 2010-04-24 02:55:52+02
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