Infos, Grüße & Goodbye
Metadata, Contributors, Content, Statistics and feedback Series: gecko-art-Projekte im Nationalparkhaus LobAU Station: gecko-art RSS
Series:gecko-art-Projekte im Nationalparkhaus LobAU
Title:Infos, Grüße & Goodbye
Alternative title:Ansprache des Forstdirektors und Verabschiedung
Episode title:Neighbour Days im Nationalparkhaus, 11.10.07
Language:German, Slovak
Abstract:Forstmeister Gottfried Haubenberger erzählte vom Aufgabenbereich der Forstverwaltung und ermutigte die SchülerInnen, ihre Meinungen und Eindrücke zu Papier zu bringen. Forstmeister Gottfried Haubenberger gave a report of the tasks of the department and encouraged the students to put their opinions and impressions down on paper.
Keywords:Auwald, Umwelterziehung
Environmental Issues, Agriculture and related technologies / Bio diversity
Human Practices and Social Issues / Community Issues (Housing, Transportation, Area planning, Urban communities, Rural communities)
Human Practices and Social Issues / Young people
Production date:2007-10-11
Entry date:2007-10-13
Last modification:2007-10-13

Contributor Plansinn
Contributor Land- und Forstwirschaftsbetrieb der Stadt Wien

Audio files:
Programme audio 128 kbps mp3 05:00 Download Listen

Statistics and feedback

Data presented here was last updated at: 2010-04-23 09:45:28+02

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Node network 1103 (456) 181 (37) 21 (17) -

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