Station: | ORANGE 94.0 |
Series: | netwatcher |
Title: | Wakeup ORANGE vom 11.2.2006 Zu Gast: Rüdiger Landgraf und Werner Reichl |
Alternative title: | Songs, Hits, Oldies but Goldies! |
Episode title: | Rüdiger Landgraf(KroneHit Radio) und Werner Reichl (HifFM Radio) |
Language: | |
Abstract: | Classicer aus allen Jahrzehnten
Songs, Hits, Oldies but Goldies!
Zu Gast: Rüdiger Landgraf und Werner Reichl
Please visit
http://www.wakeuporange.com |
Keywords: | Radio HitFM KroneHit |
Genre: | Music |
Topics: |
Human Practices and Social Issues
Temporal coverage: | 2006-02-11 |
Spatial coverage: | aktuell |
Production date: | 2006-02-11 |
Broadcast date: | 2006-02-11 11:00:00+01 |
Entry date: | 2006-02-11 |
Last modification: | 2006-02-11 |
For the whole programme
CC by Christian Rolly von Wakeup ORANGE
Data presented here was last updated at: 2010-04-24 02:52:07+02
visits (unique) |
listens (unique) |
downloads (unique) |
Rating (count) |
Node network |
954 (441) |
93 (36) |
6 (6) |
2.5 (by 2) |
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