Station: | ORANGE 94.0 |
Series: | KLASSIK UM 3 |
Title: | KLASSIK UM 3 mit & ohne KLASSIK - the KINGS SINGERS |
Language: | German |
Abstract: | CROSS OVER: the KINGS SINGERS - 6 Mann hoch, tief und Bariton singen in den 1980igern "a capella": I Believe In MUSIC, Something‘s Coming, Mein Kleiner Grüner Kaktus, Girls, 1, 2, 3 + 4 Madrigale, Michelle, Scarborough Fair und mehr (Label: EMI). Anregungen & Anfragen: klassikum3@gmx.at
Keywords: | CROSS OVER |
Production date: | 2010-02-07 |
Entry date: | 2010-02-07 |
Last modification: | 2010-04-17 |
Data presented here was last updated at: 2010-04-26 08:48:12+02
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5 (by 17) |
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