Station: | Wiener Radiobande |
Title: | Schulängste |
Language: | German |
Abstract: | Radio "Dauerwelle" erkundet Schulängste in ihren diversen Ausprägungen und ihrer Intensität, bei uns, aber auch anderswo. |
Keywords: | 684 |
Genre: | Feature |
Topics: |
Human Practices and Social Issues / Young people
Teaching, Learning and Studying / Schools
Production date: | 2000-06-08 |
Entry date: | 2007-06-08 |
Last modification: | 2007-07-20 |
Data presented here was last updated at: 2010-04-25 09:48:33+02
visits (unique) |
listens (unique) |
downloads (unique) |
Rating (count) |
Node network |
1306 (523) |
314 (98) |
127 (60) |
- |
You may contact the node administrator at: Andras Micsik