6. oktober 2007: amorphose zu gast im studio peter königseder, hubsi kramar, claudia wagner & georg wagner
Metadata, Contributors, Content, Links, Statistics and feedback Series: der wiener salon on air Station: ORANGE 94.0 RSS
Station:ORANGE 94.0
Series:der wiener salon on air
Title:6. oktober 2007: amorphose zu gast im studio peter königseder, hubsi kramar, claudia wagner & georg wagner
Abstract:Jeder Ort erzählt seine Geschichte. AMORPHOSE ist eine >sitespecific performance
Keywords:theater performance seziersaal musik field recording
Genre:Talk show / discussion
Arts, Medias, Entertainment and Leisure
Arts, Medias, Entertainment and Leisure / Performing Arts (Theater, Dance, Circus, etc.)
Human Practices and Social Issues
Temporal coverage:2007-10-06
Spatial coverage:österreich
Production date:2007-10-03
Broadcast date:2007-10-06 14:00:00+02
Entry date:2007-10-15
Last modification:2007-10-21

Designer Christine Reiterer
Interviewee Georg Wagner
Interviewee hubsi kramar
Interviewee claudia wagner
Interviewee peter königseder
Production Personnel Georg Wagner
Production Personnel Franz-Martin Pollany

Audio files:
Programme audio 128 kbps mp3 1:00:49 Listen
Programme audio 64 kbps mp3 1:00:40 Listen

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Statistics and feedback

Data presented here was last updated at: 2010-04-23 20:45:54+02

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Node network 1750 (581) 496 (125) 0 (0) 1 (by 1)

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