Ether Radio - No 9
Metadata, Content, Statistics and feedback Series: Ether Radio Station: ORANGE 94.0 RSS
Station:ORANGE 94.0
Series:Ether Radio
Title:Ether Radio - No 9
Alternative title:June 2008
Abstract:Our studio guest this month is Mike Bailey, who will tell us all about the Vienna Cricket Club. We'll be playing a track from the Band of the Month archives and in the Vienna Calling section we'll tell you what's worth seeing and doing in Vienna in July. Ether Radio is an English language programme, aimed at all the expats in Vienna, as well as everyone who is interested in the English language community in Vienna.
Keywords:ether radio magazine expat english cricket
Production date:2008-06-27
Broadcast date:2008-06-30 19:30:00+02
Entry date:2008-07-03
Last modification:2008-07-04

Audio files:
Programme audio 224 kbps mp3 29:04 Listen

Statistics and feedback

Data presented here was last updated at: 2010-04-19 06:45:34+02

visits (unique) listens (unique) downloads (unique) Rating (count)
Node network 818 (314) 161 (31) 0 (0) 3 (by 2)

You may contact the node administrator at: Andras Micsik