Der EDITORIAL CORNER der Gruppe gecko-art ist eín österreichisch-nigerianisches Kooperationsprojekt und stellt eine redaktionelle Erweiterung der „Whelp Project Centers“ in Nigeria dar. Es schafft die Möglichkeit, das Internet für auditiv-informell-kreative Arbeiten zu nutzen und die Resultate einer interessierten Öffentlichkeit in Österreich zu übermitteln. Ziel ist es, ein Hörpodium für selbstorganisierte, informelle und gestalterische Äußerungen von Menschen in Nigeria zu schaffen und damit der präjudizierenden Bilderflut in Massenmedien entgegenzuwirken. Im Rahmen des EDITORIAL CORNERS werden Methoden und Ressourcen bereit gestellt. Bei der Durchführung des Projekts wirken drei Arbeitsgruppen mit verschiedenen Aufgabenstellungen zusammen. >>>>>>>>> Whelps’ EDITORIAL CORNER created by gecko-art is an austrian-nigerian cooperation projekt. Is is an editorial extension of the basic idea of the „Whelp Project Centers“ in Nigeria. The Editorial Corner establishes the potential for using the Internet for acoustic and informative creations and for transmitting these audio products to an interested public in Austria. The aim is to develop an audio podium for people in Nigeria who want to work in a self-organized, informative and creative way. This should act as a counterbalance to the prejudice created by the flood of photos from the mass media. Within the Editorial Corner, all methods and ressources will be prepared for the participants. The project´s performance is based on the cooperation of three workgroups with different tasks.

WEC - A Kawo market's trader, Kaduna (2008-10-24)
No pictures - active listening for one minute 0.: Whelp Editorial Corner is reporting. Students from the Federal Government College, Kaduna, Nigeria, have recorded an interview with a trader in the Kawo Market. They sent their audio recordings to the Viennese project partners. Here you can listen how this interview. Based on these audio documents, Viennese students will create...
WEC - The Mosque, Kaduna (2008-10-11)
No pictures - active listening for two minutes 0.: Whelp Editorial Corner is reporting Students from Whelp Project Centre in Kaduna, Nigeria, report from the daily prayers. You can hear the sound of the muezzin.
WEC - Viewing Centre, Kaduna (2008-10-11)
No pictures - active listening for two minutes 0.: Whelp Editorial Corner is reporting Students from Whelp Project Centre in Kaduna, Nigeria, report from a centre where you can watch soccer on TV. You can listen to the voices of the audience.
WEC - The Welder Workshop, Kaduna (2008-10-11)
No pictures - active listening for two minutes 0.: Whelp Editorial Corner is reporting Students from Whelp Project Centre in Kaduna, Nigeria, report from a welder workshop. You can hear the engine in the background.
WEC - Carpenter's workshop, Makurdi (2008-05-08)
No pictures - active listening for one minute 0.: Whelp Editorial Corner is reporting Students from Dreams International College in Makurdi, Nigeria, present their school. The soundtrack comes from the carpenter's workshop at the school.
WEC - The new generator, Makurdi (2008-05-08)
No pictures - active listening for one minute 0.: Whelp Editorial Corner is reporting Students from Dreams International College in Makurdi, Nigeria, talk about the new generator for power supply. You can hear the sound of this machine.
WEC - Kawo Bus Stop, Kaduna (2008-01-26)
No pictures - active listening for one minute 0.: Whelp Editorial Corner is reporting A student from the Federal Government College, Kaduna, Nigeria, reports from the Kawo Bus Station in Kaduna, Nigeria.
With the help of the Whelp project, she sent her audio recordings to the Viennese project partners. Here you can listen to the informations and to the sounds.
Based on...
WEC - Kawo Market, Kaduna (2008-01-23)
No pictures - active listening for two minutes 0.: Whelp Editorial Corner is reporting Students from the Federal Government College, Kaduna, Nigeria, have recorded the sounds from the Kawo Market. They sent their audio recordings to the Viennese project partners. Here you can listen how the market sounds. Based on these sounds, Viennese students will create broadcastings.
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